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BeContent with the right Online Marketing

Discover our simple and effective online marketing concept
that works for any business

Do you want to focus on growing your revenue with effective online marketing for businesses?

Our concept shows you how to increase your revenue in just a few steps.

online marketing analysis.

Analysis of your customer spending

We start with a thorough analysis of your customers' average spending.


Based on this, we calculate how many sales you need to generate at least €1.000 in revenue.

Determine the required website visitors

Next, we determine how many website visitors you need to reach this goal.


Suppose 1% of your website visitors make a purchase, and the average spending is €100. In that case, you need 10 sales to earn €1.000, which means you need to attract 1.000 visitors to your website. We can achieve this for you.

website traffic online marketing
website traffic marketing

Double your visitors for more profit

But we don’t stop at breaking even—to make real profit, we double the number of visitors we drive to your website through online marketing. This way, your revenue and profit grow.


Your unique offer is crucial

What do we need from you? Something unique, like a special discount or an exceptional experience that attracts customers.

Cost overview

We can start this online marketing program for businesses from as little as €1.000 per month.


Don’t have a well-functioning website yet? No problem. We’ll build one for you.


The first year, it will only cost €200 per month for a Wix website and €50 for a Google Site, with Wix being our recommended platform.


Important: after the first year, the website will be entirely yours.


Many other companies have gone before you!​​

kosten online marketing

Schedule a call today and discover how our online marketing concept can help grow your business!



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